SafeDeposits Scotland Charitable Trust is a grant-giving charity aimed at promoting education, training and best practice in Scotland's private rented sector.
The Trust believes that those actively involved in the sector will have innovative and creative ideas to ensure it is the best that it can be for years to come.
The SafeDeposits Scotland Charitable Trust invites landlords, letting agents and tenants to suggest possible projects to be supported depending on available funds.
SafeDeposits Scotland, a not-for-profit organisation which safeguards over 150,000 deposits of private rented tenants under Scottish law, funds the Trust and grants awarded by the trust.
Since its creation in 2012, SafeDeposits Scotland has become Scotland's leading tenancy deposits scheme, and protects approximately 69% of the country's deposits. The scheme generates financial surpluses over and above the costs of running its business, and these surpluses are handed over to the Trust to be reinvested in Scotland's private rented sector.
Please submit your application for funding by Thursday 20th February 2025
Can you think of a project which could help landlords manage their business as well as providing the best practice in customer service?
Have you thought of a practical solution to ensure all tenants know their rights and are aware of their responsibilities as tenants?
Have you resorted to legal action and now have a suggestion on how to resolve disputes in ways which may be more effective than going to court?
Please note that no applications from local authority or government organisations will be considered. However, we welcome bids from charities that are already in partnership with government organisations.

Please note that the below form is for enquiries relating to the SafeDeposits Scotland Charitable Trust only. For matters relating to tenancy deposits protected by SafeDeposits Scotland, please visit www.safedepositsscotland.com